Illuminate SF at 贝博体彩app | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

Illuminate SF
Feast Your Eyes on Remarkable Light Art at 贝博体彩app


When you travel through 贝博体彩app, you can explore an airport-spanning gallery of gorgeous, original art that includes these breathtaking works of light art. 


Johanna Grawunder, 2019


贝博体彩app Long-Term Parking Garage

“编码” is an immersive installation comprised of light, 玻璃和钢铁将停车场的电梯塔转变为一个动态的焦点,可以在白天或晚上体验. Capitalizing on the garage’s inherent architecture, “编码” incorporates different decorative elements, 或“代码," each expressing a quality and experience of the elevator tower. Mirrored square and rectangle windows in the facade, suggesting dots and dashes, spell out "San Francisco" in Morse code. 结构竖框上的黄色钢标指向北、南、东、西. 发光的天花板和底盘的颜色变化非常缓慢,成为放大电梯上下运动的动力元素. 电梯轿厢和电梯井配备了Traxon Technologies的60多个专用照明串,通过24小时变化的协调灯光显示,为您提供身临其境的体验.

Best Viewing: Anytime after dusk.


Wind Portal

Ned Kahn, 2003


贝博体彩app, between BART Station and AirTrain

200年,“风之门”的000个镜面不锈钢圆盘围绕着车站主层一个55英尺宽、12英尺深的洞, through which escalators and stairs run. 无数的小镜子对经过的火车产生的气流和人们穿过入口时衣服反射的颜色做出反应, creating an ever-changing mosaic of light, sculpted by the wind.

最佳观景:捷运站位于贝博体彩app国际航站楼, 从美国联合航空公司3号航站楼(国内1号航站楼)步行不远, 2 & 3 are minutes away on AirTrain).

Wind Portal


Spence Finch, 2020


贝博体彩app Terminal 1

在Spence Finch的装置中,每颗星星都由32个LED灯组成. 装置中星星雕塑的位置与它们在夜空中的位置大致相关. 每颗恒星到地面的距离是由它到地球的距离决定的. The higher the star, the more lightyears away from Earth it is. “猎户座” includes the seven major stars of the constellation 猎户座, which are Alnilam, 猎户座, 贝拉特里克斯, Betelguse, Mintaka, 参宿七, 和Saiph. 每盏灯上滤光片的颜色代表了该恒星的光谱发射. For example: Betelgeuse, a very old star, therefore red, has more filters at the red-end of the spectrum, while other stars are much bluer, and have a greater percentage of blue filters.

Best Viewing: 贝博体彩app Terminal 1 after dark.


Four Sculptural Light Reflectors

James Carpenter, 2000


International Terminal, Main Hall Level 3

受到莱特兄弟第一架飞机的启发, “四个雕塑光反射器”也让人想起飞艇或船只. The artwork is created from translucent, 白色, 硅涂层玻璃纤维材料拉伸在金属框架上,并插入到天窗的桁架结构中, 70 feet above the floor.这个180 × 30英尺的雕塑的设计是功能性的,因为它可以从天窗散射直射的阳光, which reflects light up onto the opaque surface of the roof, and projects a dappled play of light into the 空间.

Best Viewing: In the International Main Hall, look up when walking through the Departures/Ticketing level.

Four Sculptural Light Reflectors

Light Beams for the 天空 of a Transfer Corridor

Vitto Acconci, 2000


International Terminal, A-G, 2级

“转换走廊天空的光束”展示了天花板上的嵌入式照明的雕塑光束, transversing the length of the corridor. At the end of each “light beam” is a functional telephone.

最佳观景:从国际航站楼到达/行李提取处, 2级, follow corridor signs to Terminal 3.

A light art installation at San Francisco International Airport.

Ceiling Flood

Keith Sonnier, 1999



“天花板洪水”与航站楼的建筑照明充分融合, 因此,当旅行者在空间中移动时,他们会注意到左侧均匀分布的蓝色霓虹灯盒与右侧均匀分布的红色霓虹灯盒相匹配. 一排中性的荧光灯在上面的“V”字上加了标点符号, 一排精心布置的霓虹灯管在天花板上发出淡淡的黄色光芒. To break up the 1000-foot-long 空间, colors switch half way down the hall, signaling the end of the corridor.

Best Viewing: Post security; accessible to ticketed passengers for Boarding Area G only.

Ceiling Flood


Eric Staller, 2014



Utilizing light, 空间, and motion to delight and surprise the public, Eric Staller的作品“Spirogyrate”是一个沉浸式的互动装置,由图形螺旋图案和光线组成,通过空间改变和响应人们的运动. 其结果是一个异想天开的环境,所有年龄的旅行者都喜欢.

Best Viewing: Post security; accessible to ticketed passengers for Boarding Area E only.



Merge Conceptual Design, 2014



“天空”是Franka Diehnelt和Claudia Reisenberger的合作装置,探索空间的感知. 每个镜像球体的外部反射并扭曲其周围环境, 由于光线和颜色的微妙变化,在每个球体的内部产生了光学效果. 这创造了一种错觉,即每个空间似乎同时在膨胀和变平, causing the viewer to lose sense of the spheres' proportions.

Best Viewing: Post security; accessible to ticketed passengers for Boarding Area E only.

